The built-inventilation systemremoves cookingvapors,odorsandsmoke fromfoodsprepared
on the cooktop, gri}}and grill accessories. Regular use of this system wilt insure a more
comfortableand lesshumidl,_¢tchenwhichisftee ofheavy coakingodorsandfumes thatnormally
create a frequentneed forcleaningand redecorating, i
• Thedowndraftventilationsystemfeaturesatwospeedfan.
The fan positionsare: Hi, Lo, and OFF. To turn on the
ventilationsystem, touchthe Fan Pad. The fan wi({come on
at the Hi speed. To set on Lo speed, touch the Fan Pad
(once from Hi settingor twice from the OFF position).
• A beep willsound every time the Fan Pad is touched.
• Toturn theventilationsystemOFF, touchtheFan Pad (oncefrom Lo speedortwice from
• The ventilationsystem will operate automatical/y onHi speed when thegdll element is in
use. During grilling, the fan speed is automatically set for the Hi setting AND cannot be
changed to Lo speed.
• Use the HI fan speed for capturing steam. Use Lo fan speed for capturingsmoke when
pan frying.
• The fan canbeused to removestrongodorsfrem the kitchenaswhenchoppingonionsnear
the fan.
• _,esidesusingtheventilation systemto remove cookingvaporsandfumes, it can beused
tocoolbaked piesorcakes, To coolan item, set iton the air gdlle and turn on the fan. The
airbeing pulledover the item willquicklycool it. Be carefulnot to cover the oven vent or
the entireair gdne,
Air Grille
The air grillelifts off easily. Wipe clean orwash insinkwith mildhousehold deten:jents.Itmay
be cleaned inthe dishwasher. Note:The ovenvent is locatedunderthe air grille. Whenusing
orcleeningtheoven, hotandmoistairmaybenoticedinthisarea. 13ecarefulnottospillanything
into thisvent. Remove theair grillebefore self-creaningthe oven. (See p. 36.)
Turn offventilationsystembefore removing. The filter isa permanent
typo and shouldbe cleanedwhen soiled. Clean insinkwith warm water
and liquid dishwashing detergent orin dishwasher. Important: Filter
should aMays beplaced at an angle. Asyou face the front of the range,
the top of the filter should rest against the leftside ofthe vent opening
and the bottom of the filter should rest against the right side of the
ventilation chamber at the bottom. DO NOT OPERATE SYSTEM WITHOUT FILTER.
Ventilation Chamber
This area, whichhousesthe filter,shouldbe cleanedin the eventof spillsor whenever itbecomes
coatedwith a filmofgrease, It may be cleanedwithpapertower,dampcloth,orspongeend mild
householddetergent. 9