Setting Using Internet Explorer
Network Details Page
This page is for performing detailed network setting.
This page can be used during access using AadminB.
● Click [Advanced Settings] to display setting menu.
● Click [Network Details]. Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.
● Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.
● If the [OK] button is pressed upon entering an invalid value, a warning message will appear and the
entry will be denied. Press the [Cancel] button to restore the invalid entry to the current value.
Setting (continued)
A TOS(DS field) For setting the TOS value of IP packets in which JPEG is stored.
The upper six bits out of the eight bits that make up the TOS value belong to
This upper six bits can be set. The lower two bits are A0B. For example, upon
setting to A255B, the lower two bits are converted to A0B, and the value
becomes A252B.
TOS values are used in networks that support QoS. By setting QoS for the
network switch, routing can be done by giving priority to packets with a larger
TOS value.
B TOS(DS field) For setting the TOS value of IP packets in which MPEG4 is stored.
For details, refer to the [JPEG TOS(DS field)] item A above.
C TTL (Unicast) For setting the TTL value of JPEG/MPEG4 packets that are to be sent via
D TTL (Multicast) For setting the TTL value of JPEG/MPEG4 packets that are to be sent via
E MTU For setting the maximum packet size for storing JPEG/MPEG4.
[Setting range:1280 to 1500]
F Negotiation For setting the [Negotiation] of the [Network Details].
When a value other than AAutoB is selected, do not set the network device to
be connected to AAutoB. Ensure that it is set to the same value as the