Protocol Page
This page is for changing the HTTP server port number.
This page can be used during access using AadminB.
● Click [Advanced Settings] to display setting menu.
● Click [Protocol]. Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.
● Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.
● After changing, you will need to re-establish the connection if you are using the Internet Explorer.
● If Built-in Viewer is used for playback, change the [HTTP Port] number in the setting screen of Built-
in Viewer to the same value. (A Page 119)(A Page 121)
A HTTP Server
You can change the port number for the built-in web server of the camera.
The default port number setting is A 80B. The port number of JPEG/MPEG4
server is changed also.
To access to camera from the Internet Explorer, enter the following in the
Internet Explorer when the camera is in its default settings.
If the port number is changed to A8080B, for example, enter the Internet
Explorer as follows.
B VISIP Protocol You can change the On/Off setting of VSIP Protocol. To use this unit from
Nextiva of Verint Systems Inc., select AOnB.
C HTTP Server
You can change the port number for Built-in VSIP server of the camera.
(1-65535) The default port number setting is A5510B.
D AMX Device
You can change the On/Off setting of AMX device detection protocol. Set to
AOnB when you are using the camera on AMX’s systems.
[Setting value:On , Off]