Network Basic Page
This page is for performing basic setting related to the network.
This page can be used during access using AadminB.
● Click [Advanced Settings] to display setting menu.
● Click [Network Basic].
● Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.
● If the [OK] button is pressed upon entering an invalid value, a warning message will appear and the
entry will be denied. Press the [Cancel] button to restore the invalid entry to the current value.
● When settings of the Basic page is changed, all services that are currently running will end
immediately. For example, when changes are made to the Basic page during JPEG/MPEG4
distribution, distribution will be discontinued and TCP will be disconnected.
A IP Setting For setting the DHCP client function.
Connect VN-X35U to a network environment with a DHCP server when
DHCP is to be enabled.
If the DHCP server does not exist when DHCP is set to AEnableB, VN-X35U
will start running with the IP address and subnet
mask in about 2 minutes after startup.
Refer to AIP Address SettingsB (A Page 27) for the IP address.
B IP Address For setting the IP address of VN-X35U.
C Subnet Mask For setting the subnet mask of VN-X35U.
D Default Gateway For setting the default gateway of VN-X35U.
Set as when a default gateway is not set.
E Host Name For setting the host name of VN-X35U.
Specify a name using alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-) or period (.).
Underscores (_) cannot be used.
F DNS Server For setting the address of the DNS server.
G MAC Address The MAC address of VN-X35U is displayed in a hexadecimal number.
H IP Protocol For setting IPv6 to On or Off. (IPv4 is set to On at all times.) When IPv6 is set
to On in a network that supports IPv6, the address appears in the [IPv6
Address] field. If the network does not support IPv6, ADisableB appears in
the [IPv6 Address] field.VN-X35U will restart if this item is altered.
I IPv6 Address Displays the IPv6 address.