Ⅵ Recommended Computer
OS : Windows XP (Professional or
Home Edition) (SP2)
: Windows Vista Business(SP1)
CPU : Pentium4 2GHz or higher
Memory capacity : 1 GB or more
Free hard disk space
: 512 MB or more
Display and video card
: 1600ן 1200 pixels or larger,
True Color (24 bits or 32 bits)
VRAM 8 MB or more (256 MB
and above recommended)
Sound card :Sound Blaster
(PCI recommended)
Web browser : Internet Explorer
XP: Version 6.0
Vista: Version 7.0
Ⅵ LAN Environment
● 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX network
interconnected using devices such as an
IEEE802.3-compliant switching hub.
● IEEE802.3af-compliant switching hub when
PoE is in use.
IGMPv2-compliant network when multicast is
in use.
The above PC specifications are guides for
smooth use of the applications, and not a
guarantee of their operation.
Depending on the condition of use, applications
may not run smoothly even when the user’s
computer meets the specification requirements.
Using a computer for which its performance
does not meet the requirements may cause;
● The JPEG playback frame rate to
● Delay in the MPEG4 playback images and
may result in interruption in playback.
● Sound might not be played back properly.
To make use of Built-in MPEG4 Viewer of
VN-X35U, install “ffdshow” that is open source
codec. You can download “ffdshow” from the
AD/DA clock varies significantly depending on
the sound card built in the PC. Using such card
may cause overflow or underflow of audio data
and noise may occur in the playback sound.
How to use this manual
Ⅵ Symbols used
Caution : Describes precautions concerning
the operation of this product.
Note : Describes reference information,
such as functions and usage
restrictions of this product.
A : Indicates the reference page
numbers and reference items.
Ⅵ Content of this manual
● All rights reserved by JVC. Unauthorized
duplication or reprinting of this manual, in
whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
● Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.
● All other product names used in this
manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
Marks such as ீ, ா and have been
omitted in this manual.
● Illustrated designs, specifications and other
contents of this manual are subject to
changes for improvement without prior
Operating Environment