Other Settings (Other Camera Settings, Page 53)
Milestone XProtect Central Settings Section
Enable Milestone XProtect Central Connections [Not selected]
Patrolling Settings
Resume Patrol after Manual or Event PTZ (sec.) [30]
Logfile Settings
Logfile Path [L:\Log\MS\]
Days to log [5]
Event Recording Settings
Path [D:\Events\]
Days to keep [5]
Don’t send e-mails on camera failures [Not selected]
Start cameras on remote live request [Selected]
Create default schedule for new cameras [Selected]
E mail Settings
Enable E mail (Monitor) [Not selected]
Archive Setup (Archiving, Page 57)
Delete database in the backup directory older than [9999]
Send email on archive error [Selected]
Daily archiving times [12:00:00]
Name [Set all]
[Properties] of the Camera (Adjusting Camera Settings, Page 34)
Image Quality [Full]/Super High (for megapixel)/High/
Frame Rate [Unlimited]/ Medium/Low
Maintain Image Aspect Ratio [Selected]
Update on Motion [Not selected]
Sound on Motion Detection [Always off]/ Always on
Sound on Event [Always off]/ Always on
Joystick Setup (Customizing Joystick Setup, Page 35)
Disable all joysticks [Not selected]
Axis Setup
Invert Absolute Action
X Axis [Not selected] [Not selected] PTZ Zoom/PTZ Tilt/[PTZ Pan]/No Action
Y Axis [Not selected] [Not selected] PTZ Zoom/[PTZ Tilt]/PTZ Pan/No Action
Z Axis [Not selected] [Not selected] [PTZ Zoom]/PTZ Tilt/PTZ Pan/No Action
Button Setup Action
Button1-12 [No Action]
Unit Setting (Unit Setting, Page 58)
Password [None]
Auto Login [Selected]
Live Viewing
Live Viewing Auto Start [Selected]
Error Report
Dialog [Selected]
Mail [Selected]