Processor Setup Specifications
Concentrate developer - Kodak COM Professional Developer and Replenisher DRC
(Typical continuous-strand deep-tank processor)
Processing Solutions Time Temperature Working Strength Replenishment (ml/ft.)
Step (Dilutions) (sec.) Specific Gravity 16 mm 35 mm 105 mm
Developer DRC
1:3 35 9495°F (3435°C) 1.080 to 1.090 1 - 3 3 - 5 7.5 - 10*
Rinse - 17.5 9095°F (3235°C) - Flow rate per processor
manufacturer recommendation
1:5 35 9095°F (3235°C) 1.040 to 1.063 0.65 1.35 4
Wash - 35 9095°F (3235°C) - Flow rate per processor
manufacturer recommendation
Dry - - 160°F max. (71°C) - - - -
*Actual replenishment rate is determined by consideration of the rate that achieves a stable D-max with average quantity of
film processed.
Kodak COM Professional Developer and Replenisher DRC
Kodak Microfilm Fixer and Replenisher
Development Time and Transport Speed
Development/transport times should be set by
timing film speed (splice point) top of rack, roller-
to-roller while running in the processor. Transport
speeds are based on actual dwell times and
photographic aims, and are determined by timing
film speed, top of rack, entrance roller to exit
roller while running in the processor.
Replenishment Rates
Once development time and transport rates
are set to acquire desired photographic aims,
replenishment rate settings are determined by
multiplying the transport speed by the required
replenishment rates for the appropriate film width
being used. Replenishment may be reduced if
significant quantities of leader are used. For
instance, with Kodak COM Professional
Developer and Replenisher DRC, practical
experience indicates rates as low as 7.5 mL/ft
of 105 mm film are adequate in deep tank
processors. The use of control charts such
as Kodak Publication A-1631 is recommended
for monitoring control.
Transport Replenishment/ Replenishment
speed x ft of film = rate
(ft/min) (mL/Lft) (mL/min*)
*1 mL/min = 1 cc/min
These are starting-point recommendations
for deep-tank processors. Shallow-tank and
medium-tank processors, or variable operating
conditions in all processors, may require
replenishment rate adjustments to maintain
process activity levels.
Processor: Allen F-10R
Type of film: 105 mm COM DR
Dwell: 32 seconds
Developer Film Path: 6.5 feet
See table above for:
Replenishment (Dev): 7.5
Replenishment (Fix): 4
Calculated transport speed:
6.5 feet x 60 sec
32 sec min
= 12 ft / min
12 feet x 7.5 mL
min feet
= 90 mL / min*
(developer replenishment)
Replenishment results:
12 feet x 4 mL
min feet
= 48 mL / min*
(fixer replenishment)