Ordering Information: Chemicals
Document Imaging
Rochester, NY 14650
Document Imaging
Toronto, Ontario M6M 1V3
Kodak, Estar, Versamat, and Com-Pack
are trademarks.
Chemical CAT Number Working Strength Solutions
COM Professional DEVELOPER AND Replenisher DRC At 1:3 yields
1 gal4/case 863-0683* 16 gal
55 gal1 drum 865-9591* 220 gal
2 x 5 litres 524-4637** 40 litres
Microfilm FIXER AND ReplenisherConcentrate At 1:5 yields
1 gal4/case 817-7222 24 gal
5 gal1 cube 190-1149 30 gal
50 gal1 drum 190-1164 300 gal
2 x 5 litres 504-4706** 60 litres
2 x 5 litres 523-6245** 60 litres
60 litres 524-2086** 360 litres
* For Service Bureau use only.
** Not available in the U.S.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) on the chemicals (only) are available by calling1-800-242-2424, extension 43. You will
need to supply the KODAK CAT numbers of the chemicals for which you need MSDSs. Material Safety Data Sheets for the
actual working solutions and caution labels for the processor tanks are also available by calling the same number.
KODAK COM DR Microfilm 2467
Kodak Publication No. D-48
CAT No. 195-2456 3/2002
Printed in U.S.A.
© Eastman Kodak Company, 2002