A-61074 April 1997 3-7
• Three Level
Whenever a document is assigned Level 3, the image address field associated
with Level 3 (Field C) is incremented and the fields associated with Level 2
(Field B) and Level 1 (Field A) are set to zero.
Whenever a document is assigned Level 2, the image address field associated
with Level 3 (Field C) is unchanged, the field associated with Level 2 (Field B)
is incremented, and the field associated with Level 1 (Field A) is set to zero.
Whenever a document is assigned Level 1, the image address fields
associated with Level 3 (Field C) and Level 2 (Field B) are unchanged, and the
field associated with Level 1 (Field A) is incremented.
• Three Level Offset
Whenever a document is assigned Level 3, the image address field associated
with Level 3 (Field C) is incremented and the field associated with Level 2
(Field B) is set to zero.
Whenever a document is assigned Level 2, the image address field associated
with Level 3 (Field C) is unchanged, and the field associated with Level 2
(Field B) is incremented.
Whenever a document is assigned Level 1, the image address is unchanged.
Description 1: Index Formats (continued)
IA 2.0.0IA 1.1.1
IA 1.1.0IA 1.0.0
IA 2.0IA 1.1
IA 1.1
IA 1.0
(Level 2)(Level 3)
(Level 1)
(Level 3)
(Level 2)(Level 3)
(Level 1)
(Level 3)