A-61074 April 1997 1-1
1 Introduction
Kodak Digital Science
Mode Setup Software 5000/7000 has
been developed to enable you to customize applications using the
Kodak Digital Science
Document Scanner 5500 and 7500.
The Mode Setup Software offers a user-friendly interface which
allows you to perform an initial installation or modification of an
existing setup.
The following sections describe the installation requirements,
installation procedure, logon procedure, general information
regarding use of the Mode Setup Software, the Installation
Instructions and the Installation Questionnaire, and the logout
The following system and cabling requirements should be verified
prior to attempting to use the Mode Setup Software.
Minimum system requirements
• IBM or IBM-compatible personal computer with access to the
DOS command prompt.
• 640K RAM.
• 1.2 MB hard disk space.
• a 720K 3 1/2" disk drive.
• monochrome or color display.
The installation procedure is as follows:
1. Insert the Mode Setup Software diskette into the disk drive of
the PC.
2. Change to the directory (i.e., “mkdir setup” or “cd setup”) where
the software will be installed.
3. Copy the software from the diskette to the desired directory by
Copy A:*.*
If the disk drive on your PC is not deisgnated as the A drive,
substitute the correct drive in the above command string.
Installation procedure