
5-10 A-61124 March 1999
Define Window Parameters data
Descriptor Data Definition
Window Identifier = SFFFFF00 S=Side (0-Front, 1-Rear)
FFFFF=Mode (0-18)
Auto = 0 Auto windows not supported
X Resolution = 0
= 70 to 300
If zero, will default to 200 dpi
Document Scanner 9500
Y Resolution = Defaults to X resolution
Upper Left X = 0 to 14400* 0 to 12 inches (0 to 304.8 mm)
Upper Left Y = 0 to 24000* 0 to 20 inches (0 to 508 mm)
Width = 0,96 to 14400* 0 or 0.08 to 12 inches (2 to 304.8 mm)
Length = 0,96 to 36000* 0 or 0.08 to 30 inches (2 to 762 mm)
Brightness = 0 Automatic brightness not supported
Threshold = 0, 1 to 255 When zero and "Allow Zero for Threshold &
Contrast" is zero, return to default value
Contrast = 0, 1 to 255 Percentage of adaptive threshold. When zero,
and "Allow Zero for Threshold & Contrast" is zero,
return to default value
Image Composition = 00H, 01H 00H = Bi-level (default)
01H = Dithered (see halftone pattern)
Bits per Pixel = 1 Only one bit available (8 bits internal)
Halftone Pattern = 0 to 7**
0 = 2-level screen (no screen)
ATP Off:
1 = 16-level screen
2 = 32-level screen
3 = 64-level screen
4 = 3-level screen
5= 4-level Bayer dither
6= 16-level Bayer dither
7= 64-level Bayer dither
RIF = 0, 1 0 = zero white, one black
1 = zero black, one white (default)
Padding Type = 00H Pad with 0s cannot be disabled
* Measurement unit for scan region parameters is 1/1200 inch (0.0212 mm).
** Image Composition Halftone Pattern Result
00 any Halftone Pattern -> 0
00 0 No dithering (ATP or fixed threshold)
01 any Dither using specified halftone pattern
01 0 Image Composition -> 0
† If the Digital Science Image Manager is installed and enabled and all four parameters are 0, auto-
cropping is selected. If the Digital Science Image Manager is not installed and enabled, 0000 should not
be used.