
A-61124 March 1999 6-15
command samples
There are several ways to alter the default image processing
temporarily override an individual parameter
temporarily override a group of parameters
permanently change an individual parameter
permanently change a group of parameters
Temporary individual parameter overrides are performed by
sending a single scanner-unique command using a single SCSI
Send command. The temporary parameter change remains in
effect until one of the following occurs:
a new value for the same parameter is sent
the parameter value(s) are saved to a mode
change to another mode
a SCSI or power-on reset occurs
The following table illustrates how the use of a single scanner-
unique command can temporarily override a current mode
ACTION Compression Resolution
Scanner is in Mode 1 3* 200*
Host executes SCSI Send
command with 2FX
2 200*
Host executes SCSI Send
command with 4HA
3* 200*
Host executes SCSI Send
command with 1HA
3* 200*
*Parameter default value.
Temporarily overriding a group of parameters
Temporary group parameter overrides are performed by sending
a string of scanner-unique commands using a single SCSI Send
command. The temporary parameter changes remain in effect
until one of the following occurs:
an individual parameter value is sent (changing only that
parameter value)
the parameter value(s) is saved to a mode, or you change to
another mode
a SCSI or power-on reset occurs