RRee--eessttaabblliisshhiinngg tthhee ccoonnnneeccttiioonn
When you want to reconnect the headset with the default and/or the
last used mobile telephone:
• Make sure that Bluetooth is activated in the mobile telephone and
switch the headset on.
With the connection of a previously coupled mobile telephone, a pass
code need not be entered. You can set up your mobile telephone so
that when the headset is switched on a connection with the mobile tele-
phone is automatically established. Further information regarding auto-
matic coupling is to be found in the operating instructions for your mobile
4. Using the headset
After successful coupling, the following functions are available to you.
Some of the described functions are only possible with a mobile tele-
phone that supports the Handsfree Profile (HFP).
LLooww bbaatttteerryy iinnddiiccaattoorr
When the battery is low the LED status indicator blinks yellow. In this
case charge the headset via the power supply unit or the vehicle
CCaallll ffuunnccttiioonn
• Use your mobile telephone in the usual way to make a call.
• For redialing of the last number called, press briefly the Multi
function button twice whilst in standby mode.
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