
RReejjeeccttiioonn ooff aa ccaallll
Press the Multi function button for 3 seconds until a short, high tone
followed by a deep signal tone can be heard to reject the incoming
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee vvoolluummee ooff tthhee hhaannddss ffrreeee ddeevviiccee
You can adjust the volume of the hands free device with the + and -
During a call press the + button repeatedly to increase the volume.
When you have reached the highest volume level every time you
press the + button you will hear a short signal tone.
During a call press the - button repeatedly to decrease the volume.
SSwwiittcchhiinngg ttoo mmuuttee
To switch off the headset's microphone, during a call press and hold
down the + button. The switch to mute is indicated by a signal tone.
To switch the microphone back on, briefly press either the + or -
button. The switching on of the microphone is indicated by a signal
SSeettttiinngg tthhee vvoolluummee ffoorr ccaallll rreecceeiivviinngg
You can set the volume on the headset, on which a call should usually
be received.
For this, while in standby mode, press and hold either the + or -
button to increase and/or decrease the volume.
When you have reached the highest volume level every time you
press the + button you will hear a short signal tone.
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IB_KH2356_JOE1223_LB5.qxd 29.01.2008 14:24 Uhr Seite 57