Mode parameters
3. OutTime............................................................................
Specify the ending time in the edit source track.
4. Ins OK? .............................................................. [Yes, No]
Select “Yes” and press the CURSOR [ ] key to execute
the operation.
P.3 ErsTrack: Erase data from a track
This operation erases the track data in the In–Out region
of the edit destination track (“EraseTo”).
When this operation is executed, the track data in the In–
Out region will be erased, leaving silence.
1. EraseTo.............................................. [1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 3-4]
Select the edit destination track.
2. InTime ..............................................................................
Specify the starting time in the edit destination track.
3. OutTime............................................................................
Specify the ending time in the edit destination track.
4. Ers OK?.............................................................. [Yes, No]
Select “Yes” and press the CURSOR [ ] key to execute
the operation.
P.4 DelTrack: Delete data from a track
This operation deletes track data from the In–Out region
of the edit destination track (“DeleteTo”).
When this operation is executed, the track data of the In–
Out region will disappear, and the track data that follows
the deleted data will be shifted toward the beginning of
the song.
1. DeleteTo..............................................[1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 3-4]
Select the edit destination track.
2. InTime ..............................................................................
Specify the starting time in the edit destination track.
3. OutTime............................................................................
Specify the ending time in the edit destination track.
4. Del OK?.............................................................. [Yes, No]
Select “Yes” and press the CURSOR [ ] key to execute
the operation.
P.5 ExpTrack: Expand/compress a region of a
This operation expands or compresses the track data of
the In–Out region of the edit source track (“ExpFrom”) so
that it will fit in the To–End region of the edit destination
track (“ExpTo”), and copies this data the specified number
of times starting at the To location. When this operation is
executed, the edit destination track will be overwritten.
There are limits on how much you can expand or compress a
track. An error will occur if the In-Out time and To-End time
are dramatically different from each other. You should set the
To-End time so that it is within 50–200% of the In-Out time.
1. ExpFrom.............................................[1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 3-4]
Select the edit source track.
2. ExpTo .................................................[1, 2, 3, 4/1-2, 3-4]
Select the edit destination track.
3. CpyTimes.............................................................[01...99]
Specify the number of times that the data will be copied.