Mode parameters
P.3 CdFxLoad: Loading an effect user file
This operation loads the effect user data into internal
1. Load Num........................................................... [Int, 1, 2]
Select the effect data load source.
Int: Load the initial settings (preset data).
1: Load from Num1 (the data that is loaded at power-on).
2: Load from Num2.
It is not possible to load a user effect program individually.
P.4 CdRecvey: Recover card data
This operation checks and recovers a card. (→p.55)
Press the CURSOR [ ] key to execute the Card Recover
P.5 CdFormat: Format a card
This operation formats (initializes) a card. A card that has
been used by another device must be formatted. (→p.55)
All the data on the card will be lost when you execute the
Format operation.
1. FmtType?..........................................................................
Select the format type.
Std: Standard formatting.
Full: Complete formatting.
If you’re using the card with the D4 for the first time, select
“Full” to perform a complete format.
Choose this mode when you want to connect the D4 to
your computer. For details, refer to “1. Connecting the D4
to your computer via USB” in “Step 12. Saving data on
your computer” of the Operation section.