
4-31.Drag image
Drag one image on the multiple 16 image mode and move mouse while holding down left button, and drop to
other application, folder , Floppy disk, or other removable media.
You can copy one image to other media easily.
Drag and copy to Floppy disk
If the image format is Delta format, the image would be automatically changed to Jpeg format, so drag function
speed is a little delay to transfer image.
4-32.Print out at White Mask
When printing out, change black mask image to white color for fundus mask image.
Choose [Setting]>[Printing Header&Footer].
Check <Mask of background from black to white>
This white mask process sometimes fails, when image quality is bad, too dark, or when black level is floating.
When some character information is on the black mask, this process does not work correctly.