5-23.Auto Enhance (Multiple Display)
After showing multiple images on display, Push <F12> key.
The image would be adjusted to proper contrast.
The message “Auto-Enhance ON [slow to view]” appears on the taskbar.
When this auto-enhance function is on, the processing speed would become slow.
Before capturing image, Push <F12> key again to set back to default.
5-24.Each Enhance Function
After showing multiple images(2,4,6,9 multiple mode) on the display, select the image to be modified at right
click on the image. The selected image is surrounded by the blue rectangle.
Click image processing toolbar, you can modify the selected image.
This function is available at Sharpen, Gamma, Enhance, Contrast, Brightness, R-G-B free, Nega, Up-Down, and
Right-Left process.