Pag. 6
Fill up the containers of the products as the labels on them.
Rotate the cup container towards left and open the cover slightly lifting it.
Load the cup columns, assuring that the two columns are jammed by the magnets.
Close the cover and insert again the container.
Load the container and position the stirrer’s weight above all of them to facilitate
also the expulsion of the last ones.
• VALIDATOR 12V: connect to the keyboard connector COIN12V (see figure).
• VALIDATOR 24V: connect to the keyboard connector COIN12V (see figure).
• EXECUTIVE / MDB: connect to the relative cables, positioned near the key-
• SINGLE IMPULSE SYSTEM (obliterator, token system, etc.): connect to the
6 pins connector in the back side of the machine.
After the electric connection, it is necessary to set the used system into the pro-
gram (see page 16).
Pag. 27
In this section, it is possible to perform some of the most useful functions by the
To access press the button “QUICK MENU” of the keyboard.
On display you will see “QUICK MENU”
Pushing the relative number, you will execute these following functions::
1. mixers washing: a washing for each mixing group is executed.
2. boiler 1 temperature visualization: you see for 2 seconds the present
temperature of the boiler 1.
3. boiler 2 temperature visualization: you see for 2 seconds the present
temperature of the boiler 2.
4. free mode working: setting the “free mode” working. After 1 minute
of inactivity the machine comes back in regular working.
5. grounds counter reset: the coffee grounds counter is reset to the
value programmed on the “level 2 menu”. The message “empty
grounds !” will disappear and the machine will continue to work.
6. filter counter reset: the filter counter is reset to the value pro-
grammed in “level 2” menu. After that, the symbol “*” will disappear.
7. espresso group motor test: you can test the espresso group movement.
Pushing the button 7, you will supply the motor, while keeping
pressed it, the motor will move to the next position, “supply position”
or “normal position”.
8. coffee decounter reset: the coffee decounter is reset to the value pro-
9. chocolate decounter reset: the chocolate decounter is reset to the value pro-
0. total counter visualization: the display will show the total counter of the ma-
chine for 3 seconds. It is not possible to reset this counter.