Pag. 24
It is possible to eliminate, modify or insert movements or to change its regulations
where possible, for example the dosing of the products.
• to move the selection cursor movement use A and B
• to insert a new movement in the selected position press “2”
• to eliminate the selected movement press “1”
• to modify the selected movement press" 3"
• to modify the regulations (es: dosing) to press D
To modify the name of the drink use the keys:
“ 1” to withdraw with the cursor on the character to modify
“ 2” to advance with the cursor on the character to modify
“A” or “B” to modify the character
The movements are the following:
01 CUP the cup-arm goes in “cup” position and the cup-dispenser (single
type) releases a cup.
02 SUPPLY POSITION the cup-arm goes in “supply” position.
03 SUGAR POSITION the cup-arm goes in “sugar” position.
04 GRINDER 1 the grinder 1 produces a dose of coffee.
05 SOLUB 1 VOLUM. The machine makes the soluble 1 (milk) cycle with volumetric
control (in cc).
06 SOLUB.2 VOLUM. The machine makes the soluble 2 (chocolate) cycle with volumet-
ric control (in cc).
07 SOLUB.3 VOLUM. The machine makes the soluble 3 (tea) cycle with volumetric
control (in cc).
08 SUGAR the machine gives a dose of sugar in the cup.
09 ESPRESSO 1 the coffee dose is released into the infusion chamber and the
espresso supplying is executed.
10 SPOON The machine gives a spoon.
11 CUP POSITION A cup searching happens.
12 START POS. GROUP The espresso group is moved to the normal position.
13 SOLUB.4 VOLUM. The machine makes the soluble 4 (coffee) cycle with volumetric
control (in cc)..
14 SOLUB.5 VOLUM. The machine makes the soluble 5 cycle with volumetric control
(in cc)..
15 HOT WATER A hot water quantity (in cc) is supplied.
16 GRINDER 2 the grinder 2 produces a dose of coffee.
17 PAUSE TYPE 1 A pause is executed.
18 PAUSE TYPE 2 A pause is executed.
19 PAUSE TYPE 3 A pause is executed.
20 PAUSE TYPE 4 A pause is executed.
21 ESPRESSO 2 the coffee dose is released into the infusion chamber and the
espresso 2 supplying is executed.
22 TIME SOLUB.1 The machine makes the soluble 1 (milk) cycle with time control.
23 TIME SOLUB.2 The machine makes the soluble 2 (chocolate) cycle with time
24 TIME SOLUB.3 The machine makes the soluble 3 (tea) cycle with time control.
25 TIME SOLUB.4 The machine makes the soluble 4 (coffee) cycle with time control.
Pag. 9
Entering the program through D, you will see the sequence of the existing drink
The flashing cursor points out the drink code selected, to move it use the keys A
to advance or B to withdraw; contemporarily to the movement of the cursor, in the
underlying line, the name of the selection will be visualized related to the drink
To modify the parameters of the drink code press D.
A sequence of numbers will be visualized that correspond to the doses of the se-
lection, to the line price (P) and to the menu of the name of the drink (MS).
As in precedence, the cursor points out the dosing code selected, therefore to
move it use the keys A or B; on the underlying line the description of the selected
dosing will appear.
To modify its value, after having selected it to press D.
Use the numerical keys from 0 to 9 to insert the desired value and to confirm
pressing D.
To go out of the menu press C.
Press" 1" to confirm the changes or" 3" to cancel it.
YES=1 NO=3