You can send signals to FX using the Aux 1 and Digifx controls on the channels .
The Aux 1 master send control adjusts the overall level sent to external FX units via the
Aux 1 output socket . Signals from external FX units should be returned by the Stereo
auxiliary - a rotary fader is then used to control the level of FX signal sent to masters,
enabling a mix to established between FX signal and signal without FX
The Digifx control sends signals to the Digifx section. The input level control on the DigiFx
should be set so the Peak light in the DigiFx section is just prior to it illuminating, like the Stereo
auxiliary, a fader is provided to control the FX signal sent to the masters.
Time to mix
One way to do this is to increase all the input channels to approx. -10dB to 0dB.
Ask the band to play, Increase the master faders for to a satisfactory volume level.
Adjust the input channel faders so there level relative to other instruments sounds good - e.g.
the keyboard player does not sound louder than the lead vocalist.
You can also adjust the position of an instrument in the stereo image - e.g. to bring a vocalist
out in the mix, you could pan all other signals Left or Right by varying amounts.
A graphic equaliser is provided allowing the overall sound of your mix to be fine tuned .
As you set up your mix you will probably have problems with feedback.
This occurs when microphones pick up sound from the loudspeakers creating a loud
whistling/howling sound - very disturbing
Here are a few ways to prevent this
1)make sure the sound from the speakers ,connected to your Mixers speaker outs, cannot be
picked up by microphones .( speakers are best in front + facing away from the band)
2)Keep the faders down on microphones which are not needed.
3)Try to cut rather than boost when using any EQ.
4)If feedback does occur use the channel EQ /graphic EQ to stop it, this can be done by cutting
at the frequency which the feedback occurs.
A feedback filter is provided on the monitor send
If you want to record your mix a tape out is provided to connect to tape/DAT/MD/DCC
The line out / tape out level controls the level sent to the tape machine.
Mon to left Amp
There may be a time when you want to provide the main P.A. and monitors from you mixer .You
can do this by enabling the Mon to Left Amp switch. When you enable this switch, the signal
from the monitor fader is sent via the left graphic to the left power amp, the Left and Right
masters are summed and sent to the right power amp via the right graphic.
Concept Manual