Installation and
Digital audio inputs can be selected for the Record/Zone 2 outputs
under the following conditions:
• The digital input must be assigned to an input via the Setup: Input
Configuration menu.
• The input must have REC/ZONE 2 set to DIGITAL. (TAPE and
VCR1 are normally "BLOCKED", but can be changed in the Input
Configuration menu.)
• The input must be selected for Main outputs.
Exclusive Zone 2 Control
The DC-1 can also be used as an exclusive Zone 2 controller, allowing
remote use of the system while the local room(the room in which the
DC-1 is located) remains muted. To use the DC-1 in this manner, turn on the
DC-1 by pressing the RECORD/ZONE 2 key on the remote. The unit will
power up with the System Mute and Effect Bypass activated. The remote
will default to Zone 2 IR Remote mode as described above, with Volume,
Mute, Input Selection and L/R Balance controlling only the Record and
Zone 2 outputs. To return to normal operation, simply press OFF, then ON.