DC-1 Effects
Parameter Initial Value Range
AC-3 STATUS (display only — not user adjustable)
LFE MIX LEVEL +0.0dB -10dB to 0dB
SURROUND MIX +2dB -5 to +5dB
SUBWOOFER LVL +0dB -5 to +5dB
This Effect mixes Dolby Digital 5.1 information for two-channel playback.
These soundtracks can be recorded onto two-channel formats, or played
back through left and right front speakers. The mix is designed to play back
with full surround when decoded through Logic 7. In mixing a film with
very heavy use of the Low Frequency Effects Channel, it may be desirable
to lower LFE MIX LEVEL.
5.1 Two Channel
(Dolby Digital version)
5.1 Two Channel Parameters
AC-3 STATUS displays the current status of incoming AC-3 data. The
displayed items are not user adjustable.
LFE MIX LEVEL allows separate level attenuation of the LFE channel,
which is ultimately mixed to the subwoofer output. As the bass from as
many as five other channels is added to the LFE, it can significantly raise
subwoofer output levels — and create the risk of damage to a system.
Careful adjustment of this parameter will allow you to achieve proper tonal
balance and reduce the risk of damage.
SURROUND MIX allows independent adjustment of the level of the sur-
round channels. Many AC-3 encoded soundtracks sound better when
down-mixed to two channels with the surround level increased by approxi-
mately 2-3dB.
SUBWOOFER LVL boosts or cuts the subwoofer output level. Although the
normal subwoofer level is set during the calibration procedure, with some
recordings it may be desirable to increase or decrease this deep bass level.