RV-5 Setup
Note: If you have 5.1-channel or 7.1-channel ANALOG AUDIO assigned
to an Input using the BYPASS listening mode, only the Front Left and Front
Right channels will be sent to Zone 2 OUT with the ANALOG setting. In
this condition, DOWN MIX is not available.
The Main Zone and Zone 2 inputs are inter-related. For example,
there is only one HD input that is accessible in both the Main Zone
and Zone 2; there are NOT two separate HD inputs. Therefore, to
set the ZONE 2 OUT in a Main Zone input, the same Zone 2 input
must also be selected.
DOWN MIX is only available if the following conditions exist:
• Zone 2 is ON (or the Zone 2 OFF button is not lit).
• Zone 2 has the same input selected as the Main Zone.
• If the Main Zone audio is ANALOG, it is not set to a BYPASS
listening mode.
If the ZONE-2 OUT parameter is set to ANALOG and an input has
stereo analog audio assigned to it (ANALOG 1 to ANALOG 6
connectors), then choosing that input in Zone 2 will allow it to play
the assigned ANALOG audio, regardless of what is playing in the
Main Zone.
If the ZONE-2 OUT parameter is set to DOWN MIX, selecting an
input in Zone 2 will have one of the following results:
• If the Zone 2 input is the same as the Main Zone input, then
Zone 2 will output a DOWN MIX of the Main Zone audio.
• If the Zone 2 input is NOT the same as the Main Zone input,
but the Zone 2 DIG AUDIO IN parameter is the same as the
selected Main Zone input, then Zone 2 will output a DOWN
MIX of the Main Zone audio.
• If the Zone 2 input is NOT the same as the Main Zone input,
but the Zone 2 ANLG AUDIO IN parameter is set to 5.1
ANALOG or 7.1 ANALOG, then Zone 2 will output a DOWN
MIX of the Main Zone audio.
• If the Zone 2 input is NOT the same as the Main Zone input,
but the Zone 2 ANLG AUDIO IN parameter is set to any of the
six stereo analog input connectors, then Zone 2 will output the
independent analog audio for that input.
The Tuner, PC, & Dock inputs are special cases that do not quite
function exactly as noted above. The ZONE-2 OUT parameter is
preset to ANALOG and cannot be changed to DOWN MIX.
Since the Tuner, PC, & Dock inputs operate independently of all
other inputs...
• Any of the three may be selected in Zone 2 regardless of what is
playing in the Main Zone.
• Any combination of these three inputs can be selected in the
Main Zone and Zone 2, including selecting any one them for
both Zones simultaneously.
• If one of these three inputs is playing in the Main Zone, any
other ANALOG input can be chosen for Zone 2.