Tuner, PC, & Dock Controls Lexicon
As the menus on the iPod are scrolled through, the top left side
indicates the menu item selected and the bottom left side indicates
the menu items as they are scrolled through, as shown:
Note: The allotted space for iPod navigation descriptions is 14 characters. If
a menu item is longer than this limitation, the displayed name is simply cut
off at the 14-character point.
When a song is playing, the bottom of the 2-line display identifies
the track counter, the time left on the song, and whether the song
is in PLAY or PAUSE mode. The top left side of the display
continuously scrolls through the song title, artist, and album title, as
There are two ways to control the iPod once it is docked and
connected to the RV-5. The Lexicon RV-5 remote control has a
touch screen menu, page 3 of the “LEX” menu layer, devoted to
controlling the iPod. In addition, the Tuner section of the RV-5 front
panel is a multi-functional panel that also controls the iPod. The
remote control menu buttons and the front panel tuner buttons
provide identical controls.
Note: The following functionality is available only if there is a valid device
connected to the DOCK connector on the rear panel and the DOCK input
has been selected.
Using the RV-5 remote control:
• Page 3 of the “Lex” touch screen menu provides iPod controls
for use with the DOCK input.
• The IPOD- option mimics the Skip Back control. Pressing this
option causes the iPod to skip back a track in the playlist.
• The IPOD+ option mimics the Skip Forward control. Pressing
this option causes the iPod to skip forward a track in the
•The CLIKoption mimics a counter-clockwise click on the
•The CLIKoption mimics a clockwise click on the iPod.
• The MENU option mimics the MENU button on the iPod. The
Menu button backs out of the menu structure, one level at a
time, each time it is pressed.
• The SEL option mimics the SELECT button on the iPod. The
SELECT button acts as a play button at the song level. The
select button drills deeper into the menu structure, one level a
time, each time it’s pressed.
|| options mimic the Pause/Play control of the iPod. If the
playlist is not active, pressing either of these options will start
the playlist. If the playlist is already playing, then pressing this
option will pause it.
Using the Front Panel Tuner Controls:
• PRESET- and PRESET+ mimic the and the buttons on the
iPod, which Skip Back and Skip Forward. Pressing these buttons
causes the iPod to skip back or skip forward one track in the
• TUNE- and TUNE+ mimic a counter-clockwise or clockwise click
on the iPod.
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