SlipSheetDetails dictionary Specifies the following two unique separator sheet parameters: SlipSheetSource
and Type.
SlipSheetSource is an integer type parameter which identifies the source used for
separator sheets. Supported values are:
Null Use current source (default)
2 Envelope Feeder
4 Multipurpose feeder
The key is found in the DeviceRenderingInfo dictionary within pagedevice. It can
be altered using a setpagedevice operator.
/SlipSheetDetails << /Type 96
/SlipSheetSource n>> >> setpagedevice
Type is a constant value. To find the value of Type for your printer, see Table C-2
on page C-4.
Staple integer Specifies whether to staple the current print job.
Supported values are:
0 Do not staple the print job.
1 Staple each set in the front position.
2 Staple each set in the rear position.
3 Staple each set according to the Auto setting.
4 Staple each set in the dual position.
The format for setting the Staple key is:
<</Staple n>> setpagedevice
TraySwitch boolean Indicates tray linking is always active. When the media in one input source is
depleted, other input sources are searched to determine if the same media can
be found in another source. If another source is found, the alternate source is
selected. The media in both input sources must be the same size and type for
tray linking to occur.
Table 4-8: Page Device Parameters (Continued)
Key Type Definition