# = number of lines
Default = 60 or 64 (Country specific)
Set Text Length
Sets the bottom margin length in lines, measured from the first line of
the page.
Text Length equals Logical Page Length —1 inch (—1/2 inch for top and
—1/2 inch for bottom).
0 Auto Select (uses the active bin)
1 Standard Bin
2Bin 1 or Rear Bin
3Bin 1 or Rear Bin
4Bin 2
5Bin 3
6Bin 4
7Bin 5
8Bin 6
9Bin 7
10 Bin 8
11 Bin 9
12 Bin 10
Set Output Bin
Sets the exit path to direct paper to one of the output bins.
0 Off
1 On (Default)
Skip Perforation
Perforation area includes the area from the bottom margin of the
current page to the top margin of the next page. When skipping
perforations, a line feed past the bottom margin ejects a page and
places the cursor at the top margin of the next page.
# = number of 1/120 inch increments
(Valid to 4 decimal places)
Set Horizontal Motion Index (HMI)
Sets the width of all characters for fixed-space fonts. Sets only the
width of the space for proportional spaced fonts.
# = number of 1/48 inch increments
(Valid to 4 decimal places)
Default = 8
Set Vertical Motion Index (VMI)
Sets Vertical Motion Index in 1/48 inch increments. The VMI
determines the vertical distance between lines.
• For some printers, you can change the default VMI from the printer
operator panel or through MarkVision Professional by using the
Lines Per Page menu item. See your printer documentation for
more information.
• Use of this command alters any previous Set Line Spacing
command settings.
Table 2-12: Page Control (Continued)
Command / Parameters Function / Result