Print Properties tabs
All of the print settings are on the three main tabs of the Print Properties
software: Quality/Copies, Paper Setup, and Print Layout.
Quality/Copies tab
From Select
Quality/Speed Quick Print, Normal, or Photo, depending on the quality of
output you want. Quick Print is the fastest option.
Paper Type Your paper type from the menu options
Multiple Copies • The number of copies you want to print
• Collate Copies if you want to print more than one copy of a
document. This option prints all the pages of the first copy,
and then all the pages of the second copy, and so on.
• Print Last Page First if you want to print the pages in
reverse order
Select Automatic Image Sharpening to sharpen the image automatically based
on image content.
Paper Setup tab
From Select
Paper Size Paper, Envelope, Banner, or Borderless, and then select the
size specific to the paper type. If the paper size is not listed,
select Custom Size.
Orientation Portrait or Landscape