
226 Maintenance, Car Care
Convertible top
f Never remove snow and ice using a sharp
edged object.
Incorrect care and treatment can damage the con-
vertible top and cause leaks. Any repair work can
be done by your authorized Porsche dealer.
Important note
No folding top is 100% leak proof.
Due to the constant changing of loads and strains
to which a car is subject to when driving on roads,
minor wind noise and seepage at joints between
the top, body and doors on convertible tops can-
not be completely sealed in certain areas. There-
fore small leaks are considered normal for these
models. In addition, your convertible top should
not be washed in a car wash. The top may experi-
ence damage by the brushes or may experience
leaks due to the high pressure water streams di-
rected in areas which would not encounter water
in normal driving conditions.
Risk of damage due to the cleaning jet of the
high-pressure cleaning equipment or hot wax
f Do not clean the convertible top with high-
pressure cleaning equipment.
f Do not use the hot wax treatment.
Do not wash the convertible top each time the car
is washed.
It is usually sufficient to spray or wash it with clean
f Brush dust off the convertible top in the direc-
tion of the weave using a soft brush.
f Only if there is heavy dirt, wet the convertible
top with lukewarm water and the Porsche
Wash-Shampoo & convertible-top cleaner, us-
ing a sponge or soft brush, and rub gently.
Rinse Wash-Shampoo & convertible-top clean-
er thoroughly off the convertible top with clean
f After washing it, treat the convertible-top cover
at least once a year with the special Porsche
convertible-top care product.
Do not allow the convertible-top care product
to come into contact with paint or windows. If
it does, remove immediately.
f If there is leakage in the convertible-top cover
or at its seams or folds, the special Porsche
convertible-top care product can be used.
f Please note the information on the container.
f Remove bird droppings immediately since the
acid in them will make the rubber swell and the
convertible top will become leaky.
f Open convertible top only when it is completely
dry, otherwise damp stains and scrub marks
may occur which cannot be removed.
f Try to remove spots from the convertible-top
cover by rubbing carefully with a soft rubber
Door lock
f To prevent the door lock from freezing during
the cold season, the lock cylinder should be
covered during a wash.
f Should the lock freeze, use an ordinary de-icer.
In many cases, a well warmed key can help.
Never use excessive force.