242 Practical Tips, Emergency Service
Under no circumstances should tires older than 6
years be used on your Porsche.
The age of the tire can be obtained from the “DOT”
code number. If, for example, the last four num-
bers read 1208, then the tire was produced in the
12th week of 2008.
f Store tires in a cool and dry place.
Snow tires
For a better grip on snow and ice, use radial M+S
tires with studs.
Check with your local Motor Vehicle Bureau for
possible restrictions.
Risk of loss of control and damage to the
vehicle as well as serious personal injury or
The standard tires profile and rubber mixture
are optimized for wet and dry driving condi-
tions, and may not prove favorable for snow
f Therefore install M+S tires before driving in
such conditions.
Before mounting snow tires, consult with
your Porsche dealer. He has the technical
information necessary to advise you on
wheel and tire compatibility.
Snow tires should have the same load capacity as
original equipment tires and should be mounted on
all four wheels.
Snow tires with studs should be run at moderate
speeds when new in order to give the studs time
to settle.
Tires with badly worn treads and studs are
very dangerous and could cause accidents
resulting in serious personal injuries or
f Make sure they are replaced immediately.
f Do not drive a vehicle equipped with snow tires
at prolonged high speed.
Snow tires do not have the same degree of
traction on dry, wet or snowfree roads as a
normal tire.
Furthermore, snow tires wear rapidly under
these conditions.
Comply with all state and local laws
governing snow tire and tread depth
Risk of accident and serious personal injury
or death due to excessive speed.
f Always check the maximum speed rating on
the tire sidewall on any tire on the vehicle.
f Never exceed the maximum speed rating of
the tires.
f Fit winter tires to both axles well before the
cold season begins.
Your authorized Porsche dealer will be pleased
to advise you.
Maintenance note
We recommend fitting snow tires on the vehicle at
temperatures below 45 °F (7 °C) since the driving
performance of summer tires is reduced at low
temperatures. Summer tires may be permanently
damaged at extremely low temperatures.
Winter tires lose their traction capability when their
tread depth falls below 5/32 in. (4 mm).