
Multimedia Message
Allows you to set your preferences for
multimedia messages.
The following options are available:
ŹMultimedia Templates: Allows you to
add, edit, and delete multimedia templates.
Press the Left Soft Key Options to
access the following available options:
tSend: Allows you to send the selected
message via Multimedia Message.
tDelete: Allows you to delete the selected
template message.
tEdit: Allows you to edit the selected
template message.
tRename: Allows you to rename the
selected template message.
tDelete All: Allows you to delete all the
messages at one time.
ŹValidity Period: This network service
allows you to decide how long your
multimedia messages will be stored at the
Message Center.
ŹDownload Options
tDownload Without Ask: Allows
Multimedia Messages to be downloaded
tAsk Always: You are prompted to
download when a Multimedia Message is
tDiscard: Enabling this option will block
incoming Multimedia Messages from
being received.
ŹMessage Center: Allows you to view and
edit the phone number for the Message
Center. Do not edit unless instructed to do
so by your service provider.