FMA-LG101 Conguration (Cont.)
(Continued from previous page)
Set the Date and Time Configuration for the FMA-LG101
a. Complete the following fields, as required:
• Month: Click the down arrow at the right of the eld, and select the appropriate month from the
drop-down list of options.
• Day of Month (1–31); Year (2009–2047); Hour (0–23); and Minutes (0–59): Type the appropriate
values in these elds. Note that the Hour eld is based on a 24-hour clock.
• DST Enable?: Click the down arrow at the right of the eld, and select the appropriate option. “Yes”
(default) enables or “No” disables automatic US Daylight Saving Time observance.
b. The Rate (0 or 60–999) field determines the interval, in seconds, at which to repeat the broadcast of
the date & time, the FTG Channel Map, and the FTG Installer Menu profile(s). (FMA-LG101 factory
default broadcast rate is 300 seconds.) Type the number of seconds (60–999) for the broadcast rate
(“0” disables data broadcasting). Note that an error message will be displayed if the broadcast rate is
set to any value from 1 to 59.
c. Click the Update Date & Time button.
Note: After you click the Update Date & Time button, the screen will begin to refresh/
reload. Wait for the screen to com
pletely reload before proceeding. To refresh the
date and
time to the current settings, click the green Refresh button to the right of the Update Date
& Time button. Do NOT use the web browser Refresh button!
Update the FMA-LG101 Channel and TV Configuration (with an FMA Configuration File)
a. Click the Browse button at the right of the Config File to Update field.
b. Browse to the desired FMA Configuration (.fma) file, select the file, and click the Open button.
c. Confirm that the path shown in the Config File To Update field is correct for the FMA Configuration file
selected, and then click the Update Config button to update the configuration on the FMA-LG101.
Note: After you click the Update Config button, the screen will begin to refresh/reload. This process
may take a few seconds to completely transfer and save the file to memory. Wait for the screen to
completely reload before proceeding.
3. Connect the FMA-LG101 to the RF distribution system as described below.
Connect the FMA-LG101 to the RF Distribution System
Note: The RF distribution system must support 50.5 MHz RF transmission (downstream)
from the head end to the FTG device(s).
1. Connect the FMA-LG101 RF OUT to the RF distribution system.
Note: The 50 MHz low pass filter (6MLP-50) provided should be installed to protect RF channels 2
and 3 from any potential RF interference produced by the FMA-LG101.
2. Verify that the 50.5 MHz RF signal level is between +3 dBmV and +10 dBmV at the FTG device(s).
Note that additional equipment may be required to adjust the signal level. If the signal level is not
within the recommended range, communications will be negatively affected, resulting in a partial or
missing channel lineup and/or Installer Menu settings data.