Load default FTG
Installer Menu for
selected model(s).
Copy FTG Installer Menu
settings to and from FMA
Configuration List.
Copy FTG Channel
Map to and from FMA
Configuration List.
Set the FMA
broadcast rate.
Set the FMA clock
to the PC’s clock.
Confirm IP address
for FMA IP
Filename of opened
FTG Configuration
(.rml) file.
FMA Configuration List
Data to be saved in FMA
Configuration (.fma) file or
ready for transfer to FMA.
FMA Configuration
Transfer options.
FMA File options.
(Continued from previous page)
5. To add the current FTG Installer Menu settings to the FMA Configuration List, click under FTG
Installer Menu Settings. This will copy the currently selected model’s settings to the FMA Conguration
Note: If you make any change(s) in the FTG Installer Menu Configuration Utility to the current data to
be included in the FMA Configuration List, you will need to recopy the FTG Installer Menu settings to
the FMA Configuration List.
6. Click the Save button in the FMA File command section of the FMA Configuration Utility screen (above
the FMA Configuration List) to save the FMA Configuration List contents to an FMA Configuration
(.fma) file on the PC’s hard drive for later use.
Note: To remove an individual item from the FMA Conguration List before saving the new le, click
on/highlight the item to be removed, and then click the Remove Item button directly above the FMA
Conguration List window. To clear the current FMA Conguration List contents, click the New button in
the FMA File command section of the FMA Conguration Utility.
Creating an FMA Conguration File (Cont.)
Note: The data referenced in the FMA Configuration List is a only snap-shot of
the current FTG Channel Map and FTG Installer Menu settings when copied to
the list. If you make any change(s) to the current data to be included in the
FMA Configuration List, you will need to recopy the FTG Channel Map and
FTG Installer Menu settings to the FMA Configuration List.