(3) Program message unit separator
Use a semicolon ";" (3Bh in ASCII code) when transfers multiple messages
(4) Program data separator
Use a comma "," (2Ch in ASCII code) to delimit multiple parameters.
8.11 Program Code List
Table 8-4 Setting code list
Header Data Description Unit
1 SY n 0 to 2 Selecting modulation mode
n 0 to 5 Selecting TS input
p 0 to 2 Type of TS input, or ROM video pattern
q 0 to 3 ROM screen size
2 TS
r 0 to 2 ROM sound pattern
3 CO n 0 to 1 CN on (1), off (0)
4 CN i 0.0 to 30.0 Setting C/N value dB
5 CU CN value UP
6 CD CN value DOWN
7 CL n 0 to 2 Selecting digit of the C/N value to be set
8 BO n 0 to 1 Setting BER measurement on (1), off (0)
9 BU ne 0.00E-0 to 9.99E-1 Setting upper limit of BER threshold value
10 BL ne 0.00E-0 to 9.99E-1 Setting lower limit of BER threshold value
11 BI p 0.1 to 3600.0 Setting BER measurement interval 0.1 sec
12 CH n Setting channel CH
13 RF i 50.000 to 900.000 Setting RF frequency MHz
14 FU Frequency UP
15 FD Frequency DOWN
16 DF n 0 to 5 Selecting digit of the frequency to be set
17 LM i -100.0 to 13.0 Setting output level dBm
18 DU Output level UP
19 DD Output level DOWN
20 DL n 0 to 2 Selecting digit of the output to be set
21 CK n 0 to 1 Selecting reference signal
22 ST n 0 to 99 Setting address to store data
23 RC n 0 to 99 Setting address to recall data
24 RU Address increment
25 RD Address decrement
26 RR Returning to begin address
27 GR n 0 to 9 Selecting group
0 to 9
Setting begin and end addresses in each
p 0 to 98 Setting begin address
28 GS
q 1 to 99 Setting end address
29 CW n 0 to 1 Setting modulation on (1), off (0)