(3) Setting C/N on/off ..............................."CO"
Function Setting and querying C/N set in Step (4) on/off.
Syntax CO_n (Setting, reply)
CO_? (Query)
n C/N On/Off
0 Off
1 On
(4) Setting and querying C/N value.........."CN"
Function Setting and querying C/N value added.
Syntax CN_i (Setting, reply)
CN_? (Query)
i C/N value: 0 to 31.0 (dB) Effective down to one digit after the decimal point
(5) Incrementing C/N value......................"CU"
Function Incrementing C/N value in current steps.
Syntax CU (Setting)
(6) Decrementing C/N value ...................."CD"
Function Decrementing C/N value in current steps.
Syntax CD (Setting)
(7) Setting preset steps for C/N value......"CL"
Function Setting preset steps for incrementing and decrementing C/N value.
Syntax CL_n (Setting, reply)
CL_? (Query)
n C/N Value Steps
0 0.1
1 1.0
2 10.0
(8) Setting BER measurement................."BO"
Function Setting and querying BER measurement.
Syntax BO_n (Setting, reply)
BO_? (Query)
n BER Measurement
0 Off
1 On
*Only when Source on the TS Source screen is set to PN, this program code is turned
on effectively and automatically.