SuperSign Server
Modifying Roles
You can modify roles previously created in a workgroup.
1 Click in the top right corner of the screen.
• The Setup window appears.
2 Click the Role tab.
• The Role Setting window appears.
3 Select a role you want to modify in the Role List.
4 Specify the role details and rights as needed.
5 To save the settings, click the [Apply] button.
6 To close the Setup window, click the [X] icon in the top right corner of the screen.
No. Name Function
Role Details Role name, description, created date, and last updated date.
Specify the user rights (read, write, read-only).
Scope: Entire system.
Edit: Select read, write or read-only for Contents, Schedule, Player,
User, and Distribution.
Etc.: Select right for Shared group/Content approval/Schedule ap-
proval/Player approval/User approval/Message transmission/
Log view/Distribution