SuperSign Server
Approving Schedules
1 Click the Non-approval category in the schedule list.
• Schedules not been approved appear in the item list.
• Alternatively, select a schedule item with shown in the item list.
2 Select a schedule you want to approve in the schedule details list.
• The selected schedule is shown with a check mark.
3 Click the [Approve] button to approve the selected schedule.
• Once the approval is complete, changes to .
Rejecting Schedules
1 Select a schedule you want to reject in the schedule details list.
• The selected schedule is shown with a check mark.
2 Click the [Reject] button to reject the selected schedule.
• Once the rejection is complete, or changes to .
Deleting Schedules
1 Select a schedule you want to delete in the schedule details list.
• The selected schedule is shown with a check mark.
2 Click the [Delete] button to delete the selected schedule.
3 WhentheConrmDeletewindowappears,clickthe[OK] button.
4 Whenthedeletionconrmationwindowappears,clickthe[OK] button.
• Once the deletion is complete, the deleted schedule will disappear from the item list.
No. Name Function
Summary •Displays the schedule title/period, and the player to which the
schedule is applied, and schedule approval status
• and buttons are enabled when you click the
- button: Switches to schedule editing screen
- button: Exports the schedule
Thumbnail Displaysthethumbnailimageandthelenameofthecontent
included in the schedule.