This section provides instructions for installing and connecting Liebert LDM current transformers. If
service needs to be performed on any Liebert LDM component, contact Emerson Network Power Lie-
bert Services at 1-800-LIEBERT (1-800-543-2378) for assistance.
4.1 Installing a BSM (CT Module Assembly)
In most cases the BSM—the CT Module—is factory-installed and no further work is required. If you
need to add a CT Module, it attaches easily to the side of a panelboard to monitor any combination of
1-, 2- and 3-pole circuit breakers.
• For side-by-side panelboards (21 circuits on each side), attach one
CT Module to each side of the panelboard, ensuring that the center of
the CT hole lines up to the branch circuit breaker connection.
• For SqD Inline panelboards (42 circuits in a row), the two CT Mod-
ules must be interlocked to monitor 42 inline circuits. Flip the second,
lower CT Module so that the two cutout sections line up, then attach
the screws to secure the CT Modules to the panelboard.
• For GE Inline type panelboards, the two CT Modules fit end to end.
Flip the second, lower CT Module so that the 50-pin ribbon cable con-
nector, mounted on the bottom of the CT Module, lines up with the hole
in the panelboard mounting bracket.
Install the circuit breakers according to the manufacturer’s documentation.
Route the circuit wire through the center of the CT and attach securely to
the circuit breaker.
4.1.1 Connecting Panelboards A and B
The CT Module connects to the BCB via a 50-pin ribbon cable
attached to the back of the CT Module. Route the ribbon cable
and attach to the appropriate connector (see figure at right).
There are four connectors that are labeled for easy identification:
two for Panelboard A (A1 and A2) and two for Panelboard B
(B1 and B2).
• Connect the CT module that will monitor Circuits 1-21 to the
A1 or B1 connector, depending on whether the CT Module is
connected to Panelboard A or B.
• Connect the CT module that will monitor Circuits 22-42 to
the corresponding A2 or B2 connector.
To configure branch circuits, see 5.5.12 - Adding a Circuit Breaker.
Dangerous voltages exist in power distribution units and power conditioning units. To ensure
maximum safety, all circuits breakers in the panelboard should be removed of power and the
input feeder breaker should be turned off and locked-out in accordance with NEC and local/
state code.
Installation of Liebert LDM components or other monitoring devices should be performed by
qualified personnel only.
Panelboard A
Panelboard B
1-21 A1 B1
22-42 A2 B2