5.5.3 Load a Configuration File from Disk
A previously saved configuration file—created
by Emerson Network Power technical person-
nel or saved from a Liebert LDM unit—may
be transferred from a PC to the Liebert LDM.
This feature allows for quick setup based on
another unit’s configuration or replacing a
configuration file in an existing installation.
To upload the configuration file:
• Click on the Load from File button at
the bottom of the Configuration window.
• In the Open window, navigate to the con-
figuration file, then click Open.
After a short delay, a confirmation message
appears. The Liebert LDM is now updated
with all breaker and subfeed data from the
configuration file that was just loaded.
5.5.4 Install Configuration Changes in the Unit
Whenever configuration changes are made using the Configuration program, the changes must be
installed in the Liebert LDM using this step.
To install changes in the unit:
• Click on the Install to Unit button at the bottom
of the Configuration window.
• During the upload, the circuit board will reboot.
Once the rebooting process is complete, the configuration is now active.
5.5.5 Save the Configuration File to Disk
Saving the configuration file creates a copy of
the current configuration, ensuring a backup
is available in the event of file corruption or
some other problem.
• Click on the Save to File button at the
bottom of the Configuration window.
• In the Save As window:
• Specify the location where you want
to save the file in the Save In box.
• Enter a unique name in the File
Name box.
•Click Save.
Always perform this step after making changes to the configuration. Configuration changes are
not stored in the Liebert LDM until the Install to Unit button is clicked.
Load from File
Install to Unit
Save to File