Operating Instructions
3.2 Status LED Modes 3.3 Navigating the Menu
To review or change any settings on the UPS,
use the buttons on the User Interface shown
at left. Because some menus contain more
than four rows of information, you may see an
arrow on the display pointing up or down (as
shown below)—indicating to scroll using the
or buttons.
If you are scrolling through any of the Main
Menus, items will scroll one line at a time
with the menu heading on the top line:
Note the arrows on the screen indicate that
the user can scroll up or down to reveal more
UPS is Off or Initializing
UPS is On, Utility is Good
and Output is On
(Normal Operation)
UPS is On, Utility is Bad
and Output is On
(On Battery Operation)
UPS is On, Utility is Good
and Output is Off
UPS is On, Utility is Bad
and Output is Off
UPS is in Bypass Operation
(Manual or Automatic)
UPS is in Manual Bypass
Operation with Utility Out of
Bypass Operation Range
Shutdown Due to
End of Discharge
LED Flashing
UPS Status
Present Load
Redundant Status
Battery Status
UPS Status
Redundant Status
Battery Status