5.1 Maintenance
5.1.1 Proper Care
Keeping your Liebert Nfinity UPS operating properly is imperative to optimal performance and life of
the unit. It is recommended that a certified technician perform preventive and corrective mainte-
nance. Liebert Global Services (LGS) is dedicated to ensuring the highest level of performance and
unmatched support for your Nfinity UPS. Contact an LGS representative for service to guarantee
maximum reliability and system availability.
5.1.2 Scheduled Maintenance
It is recommended the following maintenance is performed at least monthly:
• Clean unit
• Clean / replace filters
• Verify proper airflow
It is recommended the following maintenance is performed annually:
• Verify all Power Modules are operating properly.
• Verify all Battery Modules are operating properly.
• Verify redundancy (if applicable).
5.1.3 Replacing Fan Filters
Nfinity’s intake fans contain filters that will need to
be replaced or cleaned periodically, depending on
the surrounding environment. Check by removing
the bottom bezel and noting the condition of the two
filters. If filters are dirty, replace them by removing
the plastic cover over the filter frame and inserting
a new filter in its place. Use caution when replacing
filters when fans are running.
The fan filters are washable and can be reused. To
wash filters, place them under running water (with
the dirt side down) to remove dirt and dust. Blot dry
with a towel and allow air-drying before reusing.
Fan Filters