
iCe maker
Freezing and Storage
• Packfrozenfoodinstandardfreezerbagsor
reusable plastic, metal or aluminum containers.
• Donotallowfreshfoodwhichistobefrozen
to come into contact with food already frozen.
Always keep packages dry in order to avoid
them sticking together.
• Alwayswritethedateandcontentsonthepack-
age and do not exceed the stated storage time
for the food. This prevents spoiling.
• Packfoodwhichyouarefreezingyourselfin
quantities right for your household. To ensure the
food freezes right through quickly, the following
quantities should not be exceeded per package:
- fruit, vegetables: up to 2-1/4 lbs (1 kg);
- meat: up to 5-1/2 lbs (2.5 kg).
• Donotfreezebottlesandcanswhichcontain
carbonated drinks as they might burst. Drinks
can be cooled down quickly, but take the bottles
out of the freezer compartment after an hour at
the most.
• Onlytakeoutasmuchfoodasneededforthaw-
ing. Cook food which has been thawed as quick-
ly as possible. Frozen food can be thawed in the
following ways:
- in a microwave oven
- in the refrigerator: the safer way to thaw food
because there is less chance of bacteria
such as roasts or poultry.
Safety Instructions and Warnings
for the Automatic Ice Maker
• Theicemakerisdesignedexclusivelytomake
ice cubes in quantities needed by a household.
• The water tank must be filled with cold drink-
ing water or sparkling drinking water (mineral
water, soda water) only.
Do not fill with any kind of alcoholic
the ice maker.
• Allrepairsandworkontheicemakermayonly
be done by customer service personnel or other
appropriately trained personnel.
• Do not consume or use the first three
batches of ice. This applies both to using the
appliance for the first time and also using it
after it has not been used for a long period of
• The manufacturer cannot accept liability for
between the solenoid valve and the water
• Theicemakerwillonlyworkifthecombined
refrigerator-freezer is connected to the electrical
outlet. It will only make ice cubes if the freezer
compartment is operating.
• Theicemakercanonlymakeicecubesifthe
drawer is completely closed.