Temperature Display - Figure 4
In normal operation, the following settings will be
• theaveragerefrigeratortemperature
• thewarmestfrozenfoodtemperature.
When starting up for the first time or
when the appliance is warm, dashes
will appear in the freezer temperature
display, until the temperature in the
The display will flash:
• ifyouchangethetemperatureor
• ifthetemperaturerisesbyseveraldegrees,indi-
food in the freezer or if you remove or repack
frozen food, the temperature may rise for a short
time due to warm air flowing into the freezer.
• If“F1” to “F5” appears in the display, the appli-
ance has a fault. Have the fault number available
when you contact the customer service depart-
Ventilation - Figure 4
The Ventilation switch is used for re-circulated cool
You can use the switch as required to:
• chilllargequantitiesoffreshfoodfast.
• keepthetemperatureevenlydistributedthrough-
out the entire refrigerator compartment. The air
will circulate more intensively, keeping all the
different areas in the compartment at the same
temperature and ensuring all the food inside is
chilled at the same temperature.
We recommended you use the ventilation fan if:
• roomtemperaturesaretoohigh(approximately
• theairhumidityishigh,duringhighheatand
Turning on: touch the Ventilation icon briefly so the
turns on.
Turning off: touch the Ventilation icon again until
the LED
turns off.
Audible Alarm Signal - Figure 4
The audible alarm signal helps to protect frozen
food and to save energy.
The audible alarm signal is switched off by
touching the alarm icon.
Audible door alarm
This sounds when the door has been left open for
longer than about 180 seconds. The sound switch-
off function is active as long as the door is left open.
The alarm automatically switches back to standby
when the door is shut.
Audible/visual temperature alarm
It always sounds if the freezer temperature is not
low enough. The temperature display and the alarm
flash at the same time.
This can be caused by:
- warm, fresh food being placed in the freezer,
- too much warm air from the outside entering
when re-arranging or removing frozen food,
- a fault in the appliance.
The temperature display will continue to flash until
the cause of the alarm has been rectified. It will then
stop flashing and light up continually. The audible
warning signal is now automatically reset.
Power Failure/FrostControl
Display - Figure 4
If the power failure LED
is lit, this means the
freezer temperature has risen too high during the
last few hours or days due to a power failure. The
freezer temperature display flashes at the same
• IfyoutouchtheAlarm icon now, the highest
temperature registered during the power failure
will be displayed.
• Checkthequalityofthefoodincaseithas
become too warm or even defrosted.
• Thehighesttemperaturewillappearfor
approximately one minute. After that, the actual
temperature in the freezer will reappear.
The display can be turned off by touching the
Alarm icon again.