Dear Valued Customer,
We would like to congratulate you on your purchase of a Lifetime
Outdoor Storage Shed! We
are confi dent that you have made the perfect choice and you will be very pleased with your new
storage solution.
This Outdoor Storage Shed is part of the family of brands created and manufactured by
Products, Inc. Like all of our products, you can be assured that the quality of your
Lifetime Outdoor Storage Shed is the best in the world! All of our sheds are made in the USA,
something that is very important to us. And, we back that quality up by off ering the best
warranty in the business – A 10-year warranty that covers everything on the shed…top to
bo om!
All of our sheds are built with the highest-quality steel and polyethylene parts. The design and
construction of our steel-reinforced double-wall panels is second to none. All of our exposed
steel parts and trusses are powder coated and we only use high-impact polyethylene plastic.
What makes polyethylene so special? It has superior strength and durability, and, it won’t crack
or degrade outdoors.
So now that you know the quality you are ge ing in a Lifetime
Outdoor Storage Shed, please
We have taken great care in providing the best possible form of instructions to help you put
your new Outdoor Storage Shed together. Before you get started, PLEASE read the following
preparation tips to help you get started!
We can assure you, your construction experience will be a lot more enjoyable if you do!
• The fi rst step is simple…RELAX! You have made a great purchase, but Rome was not
built in a day. Plan to spend a good part of your a ernoon pu ing together your fi ne Outdoor
Storage Shed. Our philosophy is, if it comes together quickly and easily, it surely will come apart
quickly and easily! Your Lifetime
Outdoor Storage Shed will surely last for years if you are
patient, and take all the time necessary to put it together as we have instructed.
• Grab a friend to join in on the fun! This is not a one-person endeavor. We have found
that not only will things go smoother if you have two or more people participating in the
construction of the shed, but it will go quicker as well. So, the more the merrier!
• Make sure you have all the tools necessary for constructing your new shed. We have
included a 1/2 “ Phillips head screwdriver bit that may be used with any power screwdriver or
drill. This bit is your friend…please use it. The plastic pieces of your shed may become damaged
by overtightening the screws. To avoid this damage, we strongly recommend the use of a low-
powered power screwdriver or a drill that has an adjustable clutch that is set on a low-torque
se ing. If neither is available, use a hand screwdriver. If a hand screwdriver is all you have, take
several breaks…your wrist will need it!
• You will also need two small step ladders (when it comes time to do the roof!), a 7/16”
wrench and a 3/8” wrench.
• The small wood block in your shed box is there for a reason. DO NOT THROW THE
WOOD BLOCK AWAY, it is necessary for a aching the wall panels to the fl oor.
• Read through the entire instruction manual and “Construction Tips” insert before you
start. It’s always a great practice to get a feel for the fl ow of the process and to familiarize yourself
with the parts involved. But, try not to get ahead of yourself and start the process out of order.
• FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN ORDER! Everything goes together in a certain
order, and we have learned what that correct order should be. In our state-of-the-art research
and testing facility, we have painstakingly created these instructions. The order of construction is
there for a reason, and some parts simply will not fi t if built out of order. Just follow along with
the order in the instructions and everything will fi t together and things will go very smooth.
• Refer to the color “Construction Tips” insert for the trickier construction spots. We have
identifi ed a few places during construction where it can get a bit tricky, that is why we included
the color insert. This full-color instruction extra was created to be er guide you through the
process. Use it and you will be a much happier Outdoor Storage Shed builder.
• YOUR SHED MUST BE BUILT ON A LEVEL SURFACE! If the spot you have chosen
to place your wonderful new Outdoor Storage Shed is not level, the shed will not assemble
correctly! We recommend a level cement or patio style surface. Your shed is meant to last a long
time, so provide the proper foundation for it before you start to build.
• Before you build it, make sure you are allowed to build it! Consult all building codes,
as well as city and county ordinances, to ensure that you do not require a building permit to
construct your Outdoor Storage Shed. Proper building permit documentation may be required in
your neighborhood, and it would be quite unfortunate to learn this a er your Outdoor Storage
Shed is already built!
Now that you’re ready to begin the construction of your wonderful new Outdoor Storage
Shed, step back, take a deep breath, get yourself a large cold beverage and enjoy yourself. We
guarantee that a er spending the right amount of time in building your shed, you will be able to
enjoy it for years to come.
Thanks for choosing Lifetime
Outdoor Storage, and have fun!
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IMPORTANT! Please Read