
EtherFast Cable/DSL Routers
Instant Broadband Series
• WAN IP Address This is the IP address that your Router has, when seen
from the external WAN, or the Internet.
• MAC Address Cloning Click on "MAC Address" (next to WAN IP
Address) to display your Router's MAC address, which is a 12-digit code
assigned to a unique piece of hardware for identification, like a social
security number. Some ISPs require that you register the MAC address of
your network card/adapter, which was connected to your cable or DSL
modem during installation. If your ISPs require MAC address registra-
tion, find your adapter's MAC address by doing the following:
If you are running Windows 98:
Go to Start, Run, type in "command," and press Enter. At the DOS
prompt, type "winipcfg."
If you are running Windows 2000 or Millennium:
Go to Start, Run, type in "command," and press Enter. At the DOS
prompt, type "ipconfig/all." The"Physical Address" with 12 digits is your
Router’s MAC address.
Enter those 12 digits into the fields below, and click Apply. This “clones”
your network adapter’s MAC address onto your Router, and prevents you
from having to call your ISP to change the registered MAC address to the
Router’s MAC address.
• Subnet Mask This is the Router’s Subnet Mask, as seen by external users
on the Internet (including your ISP). If you select “Obtain an IP address
automatically,” your ISP will assign these values.
The Basic Setup screen is the first screen you see when you access the Setup
Utility. If you have already installed and set up your Router, you have already
seen this screen and properly configured all of the screen’s values.
• Host Name This entry is required by some ISPs.
• Domain Name This entry is required by some ISPs.
Firmware Version This entry shows the version and date of the firmware
you are using. Future versions of the Router’s firmware will be posted and
available for download on the Linksys Web site.
• LAN IP Address and Subnet Mask The IP Address and Subnet Mask of
the Router as it is seen on the internal LAN. The default value is for the IP address and for the Subnet Mask.
The Setup
page in this pic-
ture may differ
slightly from the
one you see.
This is a
sample screen.
Please enter
the MAC
Address for
your Network
into this field.