
EtherFast Cable/DSL Routers
The Log feature provides you with a log of all incoming and outgoing URLs
or IP addresses for your Internet connection.
Outgoing Access Log lists all the URLS or IP addresses of Internet sites that
users on your network have accessed, and Incoming Access Log gives you a
log of all incoming Internet traffic.
This data can also be accessed by other network users if the file is shared out.
To activate logging, click on Enable next to “Access Log.”
Enter in the IP address of the PC that you want to send the log to. Make
sure that this PC is using a static IP address. Click Apply when you’re
Click on Outgoing Access Log or Incoming Access Log to view each log.
To disable Logging, click on Disable in the Log window, then click Apply.
Instant Broadband Series
DMZ Hosting
The DMZ Hosting feature allows one local user to be exposed to the Internet
to use a special-purpose service such as Internet gaming and video-confer-
Whereas IP Forwarding can only forward a maximum of 10 ranges of ports,
DMZ hosting forwards all the ports for one PC simultaneously.
To expose one PC, enter the computer’s IP address and click Apply.
Deactivate DMZ by entering a zero (0) in the field and clicking Apply.