Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
WebView Switches
Defining SNMP Notification Recipients
The SNMP Notification Receiver screen contains information for defining filters that determine whether traps are
sent to specific users, and the trap type sent. SNMP notification receivers provide the following services:
• Identifying Management Trap Targets
• Trap Filtering
• Selecting Trap Generation Parameters
• Providing Access Control Checks
SNMPv1,2 Notification Recipient and SNMPv3 Notification Recipient tables
Recipient IP. Indicates the IP address to whom the traps are sent.
Notification Type. Defines the notification sent. The possible field values are:
• Trap. Indicates traps are sent.
• Inform. Indicates informs are sent.
Community String. Identifies the community string of the trap manager.
Notification Version. Determines the trap type. The possible field values are:
• SNMP V1. Indicates SNMP Version 1 traps are sent.
• SNMP V2. Indicates SNMP Version 2 traps are sent.
UDP Port. Displays the UDP port used to send notifications. The default is 162.
Filter Name. Indicates if the SNMP filter for which the SNMP Notification filter is defined.
Timeout. Indicates the amount of time (seconds) the device waits before resending informs. The default is 15
Retries (1-255). This displays the amount of times the Switch resends an inform request. The default settings is
To add a recipient, click the paper and pencil icon. Configure all the fields on the screen that appears and click
the Submit button.
Figure 5-77: SNMP - Notification Receiver