Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
Spanning Tree Tab - STP Interface Settings
WebView Switches
Backup-Provides a backup path to the designated port path toward the Spanning Tree leaves. Backup ports
occur only when two ports are connected in a loop by a point-to-point link. Backup ports also occur when a
LAN has two or more connections connected to a shared segment.
Disabled-Indicates the port is not participating in the Spanning Tree.
Speed. This shows the speed at which the port is operating.
Path Cost. The value for this setting is 1-200000000. The port contribution to the root path cost. The path cost is
adjusted to a higher or lower value, and is used to forward traffic when a path being rerouted.
Priority. This is the priority value of the port. The priority value influences the port choice when a bridge has two
ports connected in a loop. The priority value is between 0 -240. The priority value is provided in increments of 16.
Designated Bridge ID. The bridge priority and the MAC Address of the designated bridge.
Designated Port ID. The designated port's priority and interface.
Designated Cost. Cost of the port participating in the STP topology. Ports with a lower cost are less likely to be
blocked if STP detects loops.
Forward Transmission. This shows the number of times the port has changed from the Forwarding state to
LAG - This is the LAG to which the port is attached.
To modify the settings on this screen, click the Edit icon, which resembles a pencil, to open the edit screen.
NOTE: All Spanning Tree screens that follow, for Rapid STP and
Multiple STP, are available on the SRW2048 Switches ONLY.