Chapter 3:
SFE2000/SFE2000P Gigabit Ethernet Switch Reference Guide
– Searching — Indicates that the device is currently searching for a powered device.
Searching is the default PoE operational status.
– Fault — Indicates that the device has detected a fault on the powered device. For example,
the powered device memory could not be read.
• Power Consumption (milliwatts) — Indicates the amount of power assigned to the powered device
connected to the selected interface. Devices are classified by the powered device, and the
classification information used. The field values are represented in Watts. The possible field values
– 0.44 – 12.95 — Indicates that the port is assigned a power consumption level of .44 to 12.95
– 0.44 – 3.8 — Indicates that the port is assigned a power consumption level of .44 to 3.8
– 3.84 – 6.49 — Indicates that the port is assigned a power consumption level of 3.84 to 6.49
– 6.49 – 12.95 — Indicates that the port is assigned a power consumption level of 6.49 to
12.95 Watts.
2. Click the Edit button. The Edit PoE Settings Page opens:
Edit PoE Settings Page
The Edit PoE Settings Page contains the following fields:
• Port — Indicates the specific interface for which PoE parameters are defined, and assigned to the
powered interface connected to the selected port.
• Enable PoE — Enables or disables PoE on the port. The possible values are:
– Enable — Enables PoE on the port. This is the default setting.
– Disable — Disables PoE on the port.
• Power Priority Level — Determines the port priority if the power supply is low. The port power
priority is used if the power supply is low. The field default is low. For example, if the power supply