Chapter 4:
SFE2000/SFE2000P Gigabit Ethernet Switch Reference Guide
TACACS+ Settings Page
The TACACS+ Settings Page contains the following fields:
• Host IP Address — Displays the TACACS+ Server IP address.
• Priority — Displays the order in which the TACACS+ servers are used. The default is 0.
• Source IP Address — Displays the device source IP address used for the TACACS+ session
between the device and the TACACS+ server.
• Key String — Defines the authentication and encryption key for TACACS+ server. The key must
match the encryption key used on the TACACS+ server.
• Authentication Port — Displays the port number through which the TACACS+ session occurs. The
default is port 49.
• Timeout for Reply — Displays the amount of time that passes before the connection between the
device and the TACACS+ server times out. The field range is 1-30 seconds.
• Status — Displays the connection status between the device and the TACACS+ server. The possible
field values are:
– Connected — There is currently a connection between the device and the TACACS+ server.
– Not Connected — There is not currently a connection between the device and the
TACACS+ server.
• Single Connection — Maintains a single open connection between the device and the TACACS+
server when selected
– Use Default — Uses the device default configuration.
3. Define the relevant fields.
4. Click Apply. The TACACS+ settings are modified, and the device is updated.